Monday, December 31, 2012

Boston Dentist: Gum Disease Treatment - Dentistry, Health and Fitness

Back Bay Dental Care The American Dental Association says that over 75-80% of all adults have or will have some form of gum disease. Gum disease, or more correctly called ?periodontal disease?, is a bacterial infection in the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. It can be divided into several categories. The first stage is called ?gingivitis? and is characterized by gum tissue that is red, puffy, and bleeds easily when touched with a toothbrush, floss or dental instrument. The second, third, and fourth stages are initial, moderate, and advanced ?periodontal disease?, respectively. These stages are different from gingivitis because the infection has destroyed the bone supporting the teeth, causing eventual tooth loss. The treatment is more involved at these stages, usually consisting of a special cleaning with anesthesia and sometimes gum surgery. 21 Bay State Road Boston, MA 02215 617 247-9966

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Griffon Continues to Cut Loose R...

--THIS IS THE ORIGINAL VIDEO, ANIMATED BY ME, JORDAN CWIERZ AKA JAYORDAN-- As seen in Drunk Tank podcast #107, Griffon's wild night in New Orleans continues, while Geoff tries to help in any way possible. Audio from Drunk Tank podcast #94. Animated by either Jay or Dan.

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Teeth Whitening : Identifying Advan....

Advanced periodontitis is identified by extremely mobile or loose teeth, horrible breath or a consistent bad taste in the mouth and receding gums. Recognize the signs of advanced periodontitis, where teeth don't have enough bone mass to stay rooted, with tips from a licensed dental assistant in this...

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Labor Day Recipes - Desserts


Offer for Labor Day Recipes ? Desserts


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I will think This Interesting ,and you can see Labor Day Recipes ? Desserts Feature Details . The end of summer is here and you want to enjoy a last blow out picnic with your friends and family. These desserts will have you in and out of the kitchen in no time and all them pack well for your picnic at the park.

Make these desserts a day or so ahead of time and sit back and enjoy the time you will save with your friends and family on this holiday.

This book also includes the History of Labor Day.

The Recipes
? Torie?s Pecan Cookies
? Danielle?s Zucchini
? Lisa?s Banana Cake
? Carmita?s Crunchy Cereal Brownies
? Katie?s Buttermilk Sheet Cake
? Josh?s Chocolate Apricot Cake
? Gloria?s Swirl Cookies
? Judy?s Chocolate Pepper Cake
? Melissa?s Lemon Pumpkin Cheesecake
? Martha?s Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies Reading Guideline?

The Labor Day Recipes ? Desserts Product of Holiday Recipes Series


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Five Minute Desserts, Guest Photography and a ... - Fabulicious Food

If any of you have?attempted a last minute dash to the shops, as I?did this afternoon,?you might?find that the shelves are empty! Not great news if you are on dessert duty this evening, which is why these two very quick recipes may well still?be useful. I am very pleased to also introduce to you my friend, Michelle Wiggett,?or rather, her guest photography, in this post. These photos were taken during a recent food styling workshop at my home, for a few local friends and bloggers. I?ll be writing more about the food styling morning itself soon. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Michelle?s stunning?photos and that you also enjoy the New Year celebrations ahead!

Michelle Wiggett Blackberry Tart

Lemon Curd and Blackberry Tartlets

All Photography copyright Michelle Wiggett Photography

Lemon Curd and Blackberry Tartlets

All you?ll need ? some ready made tartlet cases, or use meringue nests, a few tablespoons of lemon curd, some double cream whipped with vanilla, some fresh blackberries and icing sugar. How to make them ? spoon?some lemon curd into the tart cases,?pipe or spoon in some whipped double cream, sprinkle a few blackberries?over the top, dust with icing sugar.??Add a sprig of mint if you have it.

Michelle Wiggett Photography

Michelle Wiggett Photography

Michelle Wiggett Photography

Drunken Panettone Cocktail Glass Trifles

All you?ll need -?some leftover panettone (I used?one called a Drunken Panettone, pre-soaked in alcohol) some pears poached in mulled syrup, some ready made custard and double cream whipped up with Ndalli vanilla.?I like to?use a selection of different cocktail glasses. Chop the panettone (or?sponge or cake)?into small?cubes and?chop the fruit. Add?both?to the glasses. Pour over some of the syrup or some alcohol of your choice, pour over some custard. Pop them into the fridge and when you?re ready to serve them, whip?up some double cream and spoon over the top. Dust with icing sugar.

Michelle Wiggett Photography

Drunken Panettone Cocktail Glass Trifles -

All Photography copyright Michelle Wiggett Photography

Michelle Wiggett Photography

Food Styling Workshop

I?m sure you?ll all agree that Michelle?s photographs are stunning.? Michelle asked to come along to try out her new lens, as she usually shoots babies and people, but I think she?s?definitely uncovered a new skill here for food photography!?Thank you to Michelle for all?your tips and advice during the food styling morning.

I?m looking forward to lots more creative collaborations in 2013. I?m also looking forward to sharing lots more recipes and news as well as continuing to enjoy developing my blog and being part of the growing food blogging community here in the UK.

Thank you all so much for your support during 2012 ? every post has been a pleasure to write and every comment a joy to read.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

How To Manage A Dysfunctional Team - Small Business Trends

team managementDysfunctional people create dysfunctional situations. One team member with poor communication skills can explode a business environment. But a great communicator who never pulls his weight on the team can do the same thing.

The problem is office chaos created by unmanaged office politics.

Any time a group forms, there?s going to be a play for power and positioning ? that?s natural. It happens in high schools, on athletic teams, in social organizations. And it happens in business settings. It?s a normal function of groups.

The engagement, however, becomes dysfunctional, if it goes unchecked.

Who?s In Charge?

You don?t have to be a bulldozer to run a business or effectively manage a team. But you do have to be bold enough to set a standard, and then protect that standard.

In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, a leadership fable by Patrick Lencioni, he highlights the idea that teams can be dysfunctional in layers. Depicted in the form of a pyramid, Lencioni says:

?The first dysfunction is an absence of trust?that stems from their unwillingness to be vulnerable in the group.?

Consequently, the trust issue creates a conflict issue that leads to a commitment issue as well as an accountability issue. By the time these four issues pile on top of each other, you end up with an underperforming team and company ? which is the ultimate issue when it comes to small business impact.

Where Did The First Problem Come From?

If trust is the foundation to successful team relationships, then how does a small business loose it in the first place? A few things get in the way including:

  1. A lack of awareness that the trust was never earned.
  2. A leader who hopes the issue will fix itself.
  3. An owner who doesn?t have time for these types of concerns.

Healthy teams don?t build themselves. If nobody is actively responsible for the team, then you get what you get ? a mess.


Lencioni says:

?The fact remains that teams, because they are made up of imperfect human beings, are inherently dysfunctional.?

Our personal chaos follows us where ever we go. We all have triggers, quirks, behavior issues that we have to manage. We?re human, it?s not an excuse, it?s an observation.

Since we are people with issues, chances are we come through the door with concerns. If those concerns go unchecked, then there is no trust. But if they?re effectively and consistently addressed, then we open up ? a little at a time.? This opening creates a safe place to do business, to collaborate, to create amazing things together.

Keep in mind, the consummate professional will make the most of a bad situation no matter what. But here?s the concern ? what skills, what ideas, what witty inventions are being left on the table, because of your team?s unchecked dysfunction?


Marketing is about promoting a message that means something to your target audience. The small business owner, ultimately hopes that his marketing efforts turn into paying customers. He wants his message to gain traction and gain attention.

Marketing not only happens outside of the company, but it also takes place within the team. Every time bad behavior goes unchecked, then a new standard gets attention, a dysfunction gains traction, and the team losses ground. A destructive team will ultimately erode the company.

Lencioni states:

?Inattention to results occurs when team members put their individual needs (such as ego, career development, or recognition) or even the needs of their division above the collective goals of the team.?

Again, teams don?t build themselves, leaders do ? and that takes time. Effectively working together is often a learned behavior. Somebody has to set the standard.


The quality of your team impacts the quality of your business. If they turn on each other, eventually one of them is going to turn on your customers. Think about it, if your team fails to own up to their mistakes when dealing with each other and you, then that behavior is going to leak out. And when clients call in with issues you want them to encounter an honest, direct and solution-oriented team. Evasive and defensive is just bad business.

There?s always time for leadership.

In Leadership Truths That Every Leader Needs To Know, Dale Kirke says:

?As a leader, you create an environment where people are encouraged to work harmoniously together using their own unique talents and skills to achieve common goals.?

The environment doesn?t create itself. The leader creates the environment.

Here are three tools to help you redesign your office atmosphere:

  1. Clear expectations. Make sure your team understands what you expect. And then you live up to that expectation.
  2. Constant feedback on behavior. Make sure your team sees you respond to questionable behavior. Self-correction often happens with a little bit of guidance.
  3. Concrete course of action for conflict resolution. Every issue isn?t a major one. Managers can check certain things just by speaking up. But some types of concerns including sexual harassment and other forms of bullying need a written and clear course of action.

You can be firm but fair, fun and effective. But you have to remain frank and focused on the kind of team and environment that you are creating.

Senior Manager Photo via Shutterstock


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hospitals, insurers back Ill. Medicaid expansion

CHICAGO (AP) -- Illinois lawmakers soon will face two critical decisions over how to fully carry out President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

With attention turning in 2013 to how states will implement the health law, Gov. Pat Quinn is pushing legislation to establish a state-run health insurance exchange to help middle-class citizens and small businesses, along with a multi-billion-dollar expansion of Medicaid to cover the poor. While the state's Democratic leaders generally have supported the new health care law, neither proposal will be a slam dunk for passage.

Consumer groups and the insurance industry are warring over whether the state should be able to negotiate with insurers to get lower premiums for people participating in the health insurance exchange. It's not clear where the governor stands, but it would be difficult to pass a bill over the industry's objections.

Quinn is expected to get support from the hospital industry and major insurance companies for the Medicaid expansion, since it involves bringing billions of federal dollars to the state, but some legislators object in principle to such an expansion of government programs. States do not have to expand their Medicaid programs under a U.S. Supreme Court decision issued earlier this year.

The Medicaid issue could be addressed when the legislative session begins Jan. 2, before several dozen lame-duck lawmakers leave office.

With or without new legislation, the Quinn administration has signed up for an initial partnership with the federal government to run an insurance exchange ? a sort of Travelocity for health insurance ? for coverage starting in 2014. Illinois residents will be able to comparison shop for insurance plans starting Oct. 1.

Here's a look at the issues lawmakers will face as they consider their votes:

Q. Who would get insurance coverage under the Medicaid expansion?

A. Starting in 2014, an estimated 500,000 to 600,000 uninsured Illinois residents would be newly eligible for coverage by Medicaid, the government health program for the poor and disabled. Most of them would be low-income adults without children at home.

Hospitals and clinics would benefit, too, because they would get paid for care they now provide free or write off as bad debt.

Left out, however, would be illegal immigrants. People living in the United States without permission wouldn't be eligible for Medicaid or, for that matter, any other coverage offered in the new health insurance exchanges.

Health-care advocates hope to persuade Illinois lawmakers, district by district, of the personal impact of the Medicaid expansion. One group analyzed Census data to estimate the number of people who would benefit in each Illinois legislative district.

"What is clear is there are low-income, uninsured people in every district from Chicago to downstate Illinois," said Stephani Becker, of the Chicago-based Health and Disability Advocates.

Q. How much would the Medicaid expansion cost the state?

A. The federal government would pay the entire cost of expanding Medicaid to newly eligible Illinois residents for the first three years starting in 2014. The federal share falls to 90 percent by 2020, with the state paying the rest.

State costs would mount to more than $2 billion through 2022, according to a November report from the nonpartisan Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, which estimates the expansion would bring another $22 billion in federal money to the state during that time.

The powerful Illinois Hospital Association says that extra money would create jobs.

"We're talking about billions of dollars coming into the state through federal Medicaid matching funds," said A.J. Wilhelmi, of the hospital association. "That results in a great deal of economic activity in communities across the state and literally tens of thousands of jobs."

Besides hospitals, the list of supporters of the Medicaid expansion includes AARP Illinois, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, the Illinois Academy of Family Physicians and numerous community health centers and patient groups.

It's a powerful list. But some lawmakers are wary of increasing Medicaid costs to the state, said Rep. David Harris, an Arlington Heights Republican who serves on the board of Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge.

Medicaid is an expensive program for a financially struggling state, said Harris, who hasn't decided how he'll vote. "When we start big expansions of an expensive program, that's a big expense," he said.

Q. Who would benefit from Illinois running its own health insurance exchange?

A. Whether run by the state or the federal government, the exchanges envisioned in the health law are intended to be consumer-friendly online marketplaces, one in every state, where people could comparison shop for health insurance plans, just as they now shop for airline tickets on the Web.

Most people buying insurance through the exchanges would get taxpayer-financed subsidies, and the exchanges will help people who qualify enroll in Medicaid. Participating insurance plans would have to take all applicants, regardless of pre-existing health problems. The exchanges would feature cost calculators to help consumers figure out how much they would pay.

An estimated 486,000 Illinois residents will get coverage from commercial insurers through the exchange in 2014, growing to 1 million customers by 2016. The health law requires exchanges to be self-sustaining by 2015. A report last year by the Wakely Consulting Group estimated annual operating costs for an Illinois-run exchange could reach $89 million, a cost that could be passed on to customers in their premiums.

The benefit of an Illinois-run exchange would be keeping state regulators ? not Washington ? clearly overseeing the system and the insurance industry. Insurance companies want that, said one lobbyist.

"Our preference is a state-run exchange. The way we see insurance markets is they should be regulated at the state level," said Elena Butkus, of Aetna Inc.

Consumer groups also want a state-run exchange, but for vastly different reasons. They see an opportunity to keep prices lower by allowing the state exchange, which could be a quasi-governmental entity with its own governing board, to negotiate insurance premium rates.

"The state already (negotiates rates) for state workers and state legislators' insurance coverage," said Jim Duffett, of the Campaign for Better Health Care. "This isn't something that's a new idea."


The Medicaid expansion bill is HB6253.

Bill numbers haven't been assigned to insurance exchange legislation.


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New poll shows Israel's leader losing altitude

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner, Pool)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner, Pool)

(AP) ? A new poll shows Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu poised for an election victory but losing support to a rival who opposes Palestinian statehood.

The Dialog poll gave 35 of parliament's 120 seats to Netanyahu's Likud Beiteinu list, indicating he'll head the next government after the Jan. 22 vote. That's down from 39 in the previous Dialog survey.

The centrist Labor Party polled second, with 17 seats.

The poll shows a continued surge by the Jewish Home Party. Its leader, Naftali Bennett, stirred up a storm last week by saying he'd resist evacuating settlements if ordered to do so as a reserves soldier.

Bennett's party received 13 seats in the poll published Tuesday, up from 11.

The poll of 491 people had an error margin of 4.3 percentage points.

Associated Press


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Hafeez backs Afridi to come out of crisis soon ? Cricket News ...

Hafeez backs Afridi to come out of crisis soon ? Cricket News Update

Pakistan?s T20 skipper Mohammad Hafeez has backed the out of form experienced all-rounder Shahid Afridi to come out of an extended lean patch soon and regain selectors? confidence for the one-day format of the game as well.

Afridi has been struggling for form, both with the bat and the ball, since the 2011 ICC World Cup, and was dropped for the three ODIs against India, late this month, while retaining him for the preceding T20 Internationals against the Men in Blue.

However, Afridi scored back-to-back half centuries (52 and 92) during the one-day practice matches at the pre-tour training camp in Lahore last week, to press his claims for a recall into the national one-day squad.

?Afridi is a tough guy and I am sure he will wriggle out of the crisis,? said Hafeez after while speaking to media reporters after a long practice session on Sunday. ?He is taking it positively and as a challenge. His preparation for the Twenty20 matches is excellent,? added the Pakistan all-rounder, who has so far played 107 One Day Internationals and 40 T20 Internationals.

Hafeez also paid rich tribute to the Indian batting prodigy Sachin Tendulkar saying he felt dejected about the veteran?s retirement. The 39-year-old Master Blaster, on Sunday afternoon announced retirement from One Day International Cricket, making himself unavailable for selection for the three-match series against Pakistan.

The Pakistan all-rounder, who will be leading the Men in Green during the short two-match T20 series against the Men in Blue, starting on Wednesday, said they will miss the iconic batsman when playing against India over the next couple of weeks.

?Pakistan will miss Tendulkar,? said the Sargodha born right-hander. ?I admired him as he was a dominant cricketer. He upset all types of bowlers during his career,? he added further.

Hafeez also admitted that Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni was far more experienced when it comes to captaincy. However, he was not wary of Dhoni?s captaincy tactics and said that his focus during the series would be to keep his team motivated during the pressure games.

"Dhoni is far more experienced captain than me and Misbah-ul-Haq. But having said that every captain has to face challenges. My aim will be to see that my side plays without any pressure and express themselves as much they can," concluded the Pakistan T20 skipper.

The tour opening T20 International between India and Pakistan gets underway in Bangalore on Wednesday, December 25, 2012.


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Arts And Entertainment: Humor Article Category ?

Because the bass player is too slow, for the winger it's too little money and the drummer didn't get the assignment. Blog readers often have the opportunity to comment on the jokes they find most funny and original.

Things are looking a lot more inspiring in this second part of the year. In this new season of fall and winter movies there should be something for everyone. There are action movies, family movies, Oscar worthy dramas, and some spicy comedies coming up in the next third of the year.

But it does. bancuri can help you to heal from depression and stress. It can even do more: if you make a habit of looking for laughter, it can even promote your long-term good health. It might even help you to find new kindred spirits with whom you can share your sense of humor. Anyone who can help you to again experience the whimsy, amusing ironies, joyfulness and chortles or even guffaws that spring out of living a positive life is worth keeping around.

Johnny Depp is the star of this movie. Intrigue, danger, and romance will become his nemesis in The Tourist, after he has a playful romance with a stranger. Frank (Depp), takes a trip to Europe to forget a bad love affair and meets Elise, with whom he involves himself in an encounter that has been engineered by Elise. A terrible game of cat and mouse ensues through Paris and Vienna as their romance evolves.

The pianists we see play appear to be the most formal and respectable stars on the stage. They hold the power and the breath of the audiences. They could look intimidating in their formal suits not to mention the authority and the air of arrogance they exude while on stage. They can be captivating.


There is an exercise I call the Pink Tu Tu tactic. Learn to use it on someone you fear, are angry at, or someone you feel has power over you. Simply visualize that person dancing in a bright neon pink Tu Tu. Guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and completely strip them of any power you thought they had over you.

There are benefits beyond the fun to this kind of silliness. Have you noticed that "going green" and saving money often involve the same behaviors? "Use it up. Wear it out. Recycle it." is good for both the environment and the pocketbook. And if you can find fun ways to do it, it's also good for your sense of well-being.

With the world going at a really crazy pace, people forget to stop and smile a bit. Most of these mistakes can be frustrating and depressing.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Monti says he won't run for Italian premier

Italian Premier Mario Monti gestures as he speaks during a news conference in Rome, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012. Italy's caretaker Premier Mario Monti said Sunday he won't run in February elections, but if political parties that back his anti-crisis agenda ask him to head the next government he would consider the offer. Monti ruled out heading any ticket himself, saying "I have no sympathy for 'personal' parties." At a news conference, Monti made clear he was spurning an offer from his predecessor Silvio Berlusconi to run on a center-right election ticket backed by the media mogul, citing Berlusconi's heavy criticism of his economic policies. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

Italian Premier Mario Monti gestures as he speaks during a news conference in Rome, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012. Italy's caretaker Premier Mario Monti said Sunday he won't run in February elections, but if political parties that back his anti-crisis agenda ask him to head the next government he would consider the offer. Monti ruled out heading any ticket himself, saying "I have no sympathy for 'personal' parties." At a news conference, Monti made clear he was spurning an offer from his predecessor Silvio Berlusconi to run on a center-right election ticket backed by the media mogul, citing Berlusconi's heavy criticism of his economic policies. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

Italian Premier Mario Monti arrives to take part in the Italian State TV RAI's show "In Mezz'ora" (In half an hour) in Rome, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012. After keeping the country wondering for weeks, caretaker Premier Mario Monti on Sunday ruled out running in February elections, but offered to willingness to head the next government if political forces sharing his austerity and reform-focused agenda ask him to do so. Monti ruled out heading any ticket himself, saying "I have no sympathy for 'personal' parties." But he coyly made himself available to serve as premier while Italy works to shore up its finances and struggles to emerge from recession. (AP Photo/Mauro Scrobogna, Lapresse)

PDL party representatives Maurizio Gasparri, left, and Fabrizio Cicchitto leave after a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano at Rome's Quirinale presidential palace Saturday Dec. 22, 2012. Italy's president is meeting with political leaders to set the stage for general elections early next year as Premier Mario Monti weighs whether to run for office after having handed in his resignation. Monti, appointed 13 months ago to steer Italy away from a Greek-style debt crisis, stepped down Friday after ex-Premier Silvio Berlusconi's party yanked its support for his technical government. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

The shadow of a courassier presidential guard is cast on the wall at Rome's Quirinale presidential palace Saturday Dec. 22, 2012. Italy's president has dissolved parliament following Premier Mario Monti's resignation, formally setting the stage for general elections in February in which Monti's participation remains unclear. President Giorgio Napolitano signed the decree Saturday after consulting with political leaders. Monti, appointed 13 months ago to steer Italy from a Greek-style debt crisis, stepped down Friday after ex-Premier Silvio Berlusconi's party withdrew its support for his technical government. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

(AP) ? After keeping Italians, and the rest of Europe, in suspense for weeks, caretaker Premier Mario Monti on Sunday ruled out running in February elections but said he would consider leading the next government if political forces sharing his reform-focused economic agenda requested it.

The decision by Monti positions him to take the helm again without having to get into the nitty-gritty of campaigning ? thus preserving his image as someone above the political fray who can make tough decisions imposing austerity measures. His previous such measures have boosted confidence in Italy's finances, and fellow European leaders have made it no secret that they want his policies to stay in place.

Silvio Berlusconi, the scandal-tainted ex-premier considering another run, commented scathingly on Monti's openness to another term.

"I had a nightmare ? still a government with Monti," the media mogul said in an interview on state TV. He has said in the past that he would run again if Monti did not, but made no commitment Sunday about his own political future.

Monti, who after his resignation Friday is continuing in a caretaker role in charge of a non-elected government tasked with rescuing Italy from economy, ruled out heading any ticket ? even a center-right grouping that Berlusconi said he would be willing to back. But the 69-year-old economist made it clear he was willing to take another turn in power.

"If one or more political forces is credibly backing (my) agenda or even has a better one, I'd evaluate the offer," Monti said during a news conference.

"To those forces who demonstrate convincing and credible adherence to the Monti agenda, I am ready to give my appreciation, encouragement, and if requested, leadership, and I am ready to assume, one day, if the circumstances require it, the responsibility that would be entrusted to me by Parliament."

Monti ruled out heading any ticket himself, saying "I have no sympathy for 'personal' parties."

Italy is struggling to shore up its finances and emerge from recession, a challenge made harder by its volatile politics, which saw dozens of governments over the years that let tax evasion spread, avoided unpopular reforms like raising the retirement age, and allowed public spending to balloon.

Monti was appointed in November 2011 to head a non-elected government with the goal of saving Italy from a Greece-style debt debacle after financial markets lost faith in his populist predecessor, Berlusconi.

Berlusconi triggered Monti's resignation last week, a few months ahead of the term's end, when he yanked his Freedom Party's support in Parliament for the government. Parliament was then sent packing last week by Italy's president, and elections scheduled for Feb. 24-25.

Monti's announcement Sunday pleased some parties but irked others.

"Yet again, Monti shows himself to be arrogant and (Pontius) Pilate-like," said Antonio Borghesi, a leader of the small center-left party that refused to back him during Monti's 13 months at the head of a non-elected government. "He won't directly commit himself, but he doesn't rule out that his name be used by others who share his agenda and he gives his willingness, if asked, to again leader the country."

The tiny centrist Italy Future party, meanwhile, hailed Monti as a "great political leader and international statesman," and said in a statement: "We reiterate our willingness to back with pride the agenda of Premier Monti."

Monti said he was spurning Berlusconi's offer not to run himself but instead support a center-right ticket headed by Monti. The premier expressed bewilderment that Berlusconi alternated sharp condemnation of the government's economic policies, with the seemingly contradictory offer to back another Monti-led government.

"Yesterday, we read that he assessed the work of the (Monti) government to be a complete disaster. A few days earlier I read flattering things," Monti said of his predecessor. The logic of Berlusconi's positions "escapes me" Monti said, drawing chuckles.

Berlusconi has said he would try for a fourth term as premier if Monti doesn't run, even though he continues to face several legal and sex-related scandals.

Monti praised Parliament for backing his government's recipe of spending cuts, new taxes and pension reform, which he said saved Italy from the debt crisis.

"Italians as citizens can hold their heads up high in Europe," Monti said, noting Italy had avoided the bailouts that Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus have had to take.

"We have always been convinced that Italy had, in itself, the resources" to succeed, Monti said. "And that's what happened."

Italy's President Giorgio Napolitano dissolved Parliament after Monti resigned Friday following approval of the country's national budget law. Monti noted that as a senator-for-life, he remains in Parliament and thus doesn't need to run for a seat in the legislature.

Voter opinion polls indicate a centrist ticket backing Monti would take about 15 percent of the vote, meaning any government headed by him would need support from either of Italy's two largest political groupings: the center-right, led by Berlusconi, or the center-left, led by Pier Luigi Bersani.

After Monti's announcement Sunday, Bersani vowed to "preserve" the premier's anti-crisis efforts. But Bersani, whose forces lead in opinion polls, expressed equal determination to avoid what Monti calls the "strange majority" of center-left, centrists, and center-right in Parliament.

That grouping until earlier this month largely set aside differences to back reforms such as raising the retirement age.

Bersani's forces turned out to be Monti's staunchest proponent this past year. By declining to directly campaign for February's balloting, Monti avoids a direct clash with him. On Sunday, Monti would only would say that Bersani is a highly "legitimate candidate for premier of a coalition."

In an interview on state TV later Sunday, Monti declined to say if he thought his agenda would get more backing from Bersani's or from Berlusconi's forces.

Some had speculated that Monti had his sights set on the Italian presidency, since Napolitano's term ends this spring. But Monti ruled that out at the news conference.

Associated Press


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Drones Are Like Structured Finance ? Blog

Drone and structured finance are both new technologies. Structured finance products, like securitization of mortgages into tranches including subprime, didn't by themselves cause the financial blowup in 2007 and 2008. They were operating as a financial innovation within a bigger game of mortgage creation and a housing bubble pushed by the government and the FED. In the same way, drone warfare is a killing innovation. It's not a first cause of the bubble in the U.S. kills of people overseas. It's an innovation within something bigger, which is the U.S. initiated "war on terror."

That war never was a real war. It never was declared. It never had an identifiable enemy. It never had clear aims that would bring it to a close, if it were a war. The "war on terror" was a convenient blanket term to cover attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama retired the term "war on terror" from his official vocabulary, but the administration still speaks of terrorism, counterterrorism and kill lists.

What happened with structured finance and what's happening with drones is that the adoption and increased use of the technologies come to have an independent effect on the underlying phenomena, the housing bubble and the war on terror's killing bubble. Being effective and low-cost technologies, they heighten the bubbles as people use them intensively. The indiscriminate use or broad use or overuse of these technologies cause problems all their own? and, in the hands of their users, who were investment bankers and now U.S. government officials,? they become contributory causes of new problems.

I've run across a 3-month old article by a member of the Leadership, Rosa Brooks. You can read it here or here. What led me to this was my interest in nearby Niagara Falls Air Base being turned into a drone center, for the Leadership cannot think of anything better for American men and women to do than to produce death and spying at a distance, for export and for domestic use.

Brooks doesn't condemn the War on Terror, or empire, or any of the basic causes that have driven the overseas killing machine of the U.S. government and made welcome to it the drone technology; but she does recognize that unrestricted drone killing has serious drawbacks to the U.S. government and the rule of law. It's always good to find criticism of government coming from within the Leadership itself. Hers are both direct and indirect. I'll mention a few.

She indirectly admits that the U.S. killing machine overseas is more or less unbounded, and the use of drones has made it even more unbounded because drones lower the cost of killing. The killing machine is not hemmed in by law or morality. It is not restrained by objections coming from mass society due to the costs or due to Americans getting killed and injured. It is not restrained by the mass conscience, so to speak, of mass society. She writes:

"If killing a suspected terrorist based in Yemen or Somalia will endanger expensive manned aircraft, the lives of U.S. troops and/or the lives of many innocent civilians, U.S. officials will reserve such killings for situations of extreme urgency and gravity (stopping another 9/11, finally getting Osama bin Laden). But if all that appears to be at risk is an easily replaceable drone, officials will be tempted to use lethal force more and more casually.

"And this, of course, is exactly what has been happening over the last four years. Increasingly, drone strikes have targeted militants who are lower and lower down the terrorist food chain, rather than terrorist masterminds. Strikes increasingly target individuals who pose speculative, distant future threats rather than only those posing urgent or catastrophic threats. And drone strikes have spread ever further from 'hot' battlefields, migrating from Pakistan to Yemen to Somalia (and perhaps to Mali and the Philippines as well). Although drone strikes are believed to have killed more than 3,000 people since 2004, only a tiny fraction of the dead appear to have been so-called 'high-value targets'."

Ms. Brooks admits that the killing is going on in secret, "...President Obama?s administration still refuses to openly acknowledge that the CIA uses drone strikes anywhere other than Pakistan (and this was acknowledged only recently and grudgingly."

She admits that the War on Terror has no ending: "But outside Afghanistan, the United States is not in a conventional war. It?s in an open-ended conflict with an inchoate, undefined adversary..."

She admits that no one outside the officials who direct the killing even know who the enemies or combatants are..."administration assertions about who is a combatant and what constitutes a threat are entirely non-falsifiable because they?re based wholly on undisclosed evidence."

She admits that the U.S. killings in this "murky context" are operating way beyond the law:

"In this murky context, it?s facile to assert that the law of war 'obviously' applies to all U.S. drone strikes and leave it at that. That amounts, in practice, to a claim that the executive branch has the unreviewable power to kill anyone, anywhere, at any time, based on secret criteria and secret information discussed in a secret process by largely anonymous individuals."

It becomes clear that Brooks is very worried about an Executive that operates a secret killing operation over large portions of the world with few restraints on a basis that asks everyone else to "trust" them. She writes "Do we really want to live in a world in which the U.S. government?s justification for killing is so malleable?" and "...'trust us' is a pretty shaky foundation for the rule of law."

Her other pragmatic or utilitarian worries about unrestricted drone warfare are equally of note. She argues that the U.S. is setting very dangerous precedents. Drones are very cheap. Other nations can use them secretly too, as the U.S. has, and they can cry "terrorist" just as vaguely and indiscriminately as the U.S. has: "Other states ? and ultimately, nonstate actors ? will follow America?s example, and the results won?t be pretty."

Another of her reservations is that the drone strikes are creating more terrorists than they are killing. Another is they are destabilizing societies.

While all of these criticisms and more have been voiced by libertarian and other critics of U.S. policies and the Empire, it is good to see the critique making its way into the Leadership. Ms. Brooks is a lawyer whose writing here shows a concern for the rule of law. It's unclear precisely what she wants, other than some kind of legal framework to control drone use and perhaps control the Executive. Such vagueness is often the case in the intramural struggles within the Leadership. It's only when a person abandons the Leadership or any hope of getting ahead within it or any dependence on its favors that the possibility of radical critiques opens up.

Abandon the Empire.

UPDATE: Here are two more examples of innovations that have become overused. These were sent to me by Vaughn Treude.

Electroshock weapons, or the taser. Their wide adoption by police was supposed to substitute for other forms of violence at lower cost, but the taser has resulted in more violence and deaths. Police shootings seem not to have declined. Reports of the public's misuse of civilian tasers are much harder to find than reports of police misuse.

Anti-depressants. These were supposed to improve upon drugs like Valium. Their wide adoption and over-prescription by government-licensed doctors have resulted in far more side effects and sometimes suicidal/homicidal behavior in some persons.

I wonder if there is a general law at work here concerning innovations in the hands of government and government-regulated industries making matters worse. This has been true of military innovation, poison gas, and WMD. Government tinkering around with uncurable and easily spread viruses is clearly a danger.


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Army teams going to Africa as terror threat grows

In this Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011 photo, Gen. Carter Ham, head of the U.S. African command, attends a conference on terrorism in the Sahara in Algiers, Algeria. A U.S. Army brigade will begin sending small teams into as many as 35 African nations in early 2013, part of an intensifying Pentagon effort to train countries to battle extremists and give the U.S. a ready and trained force to dispatch to Africa if crises requiring the U.S. military emerge. Ham, the top U.S. commander in Africa, noted that the brigade has a small drone capability that could be useful in Africa. But he also acknowledged that he would need special permission to tap it for that kind of mission. (AP Photo)

In this Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011 photo, Gen. Carter Ham, head of the U.S. African command, attends a conference on terrorism in the Sahara in Algiers, Algeria. A U.S. Army brigade will begin sending small teams into as many as 35 African nations in early 2013, part of an intensifying Pentagon effort to train countries to battle extremists and give the U.S. a ready and trained force to dispatch to Africa if crises requiring the U.S. military emerge. Ham, the top U.S. commander in Africa, noted that the brigade has a small drone capability that could be useful in Africa. But he also acknowledged that he would need special permission to tap it for that kind of mission. (AP Photo)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A U.S. Army brigade will begin sending small teams into as many as 35 African nations early next year, part of an intensifying Pentagon effort to train countries to battle extremists and give the U.S. a ready and trained force to dispatch to Africa if crises requiring the U.S. military emerge.

The teams will be limited to training and equipping efforts, and will not be permitted to conduct military operations without specific, additional approvals from the secretary of defense.

The sharper focus on Africa by the U.S. comes against a backdrop of widespread insurgent violence across North Africa, and as the African Union and other nations discuss military intervention in northern Mali.

The terror threat from al-Qaida linked groups in Africa has been growing steadily, particularly with the rise of the extremist Islamist sect Boko Haram in Nigeria. Officials also believe that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, which killed the ambassador and three other Americans, may have been carried out by those who had ties to al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb.

This first-of-its-kind brigade assignment ? involving teams from the 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division ? will target countries such as Libya, Sudan, Algeria and Niger, where al-Qaida-linked groups have been active. It also will assist nations like Kenya and Uganda that have been battling al-Shabab militants on the front lines in Somalia.

Gen. Carter Ham, the top U.S. commander in Africa, noted that the brigade has a small drone capability that could be useful in Africa. But he also acknowledged that he would need special permission to tap it for that kind of mission.

"If they want them for (military) operations, the brigade is our first sourcing solution because they're prepared," said Gen. David Rodriguez, the head of U.S. Army Forces Command. "But that has to go back to the secretary of defense to get an execute order."

Already the U.S. military has plans for nearly 100 different exercises, training programs and other activities across the widely diverse continent. But the new program faces significant cultural and language challenges, as well as nagging questions about how many of the lower-level enlisted members of the brigade, based in Fort Riley, Kan., will participate, since the teams would largely be made up of more senior enlisted troops and officers. A full brigade numbers about 3,500, but the teams could range from just a few people to a company of about 200. In rare cases for certain exercises, it could be a battalion, which would number about 800.

To bridge the cultural gaps with the African militaries, the Army is reaching out across the services, the embassies and a network of professional organizations to find troops and experts that are from some of the African countries. The experts can be used during training, and the troops can both advise or travel with the teams as they begin the program.

"In a very short time frame we can only teach basic phrases," said Col. Matthew McKenna, commander of the 162nd Infantry Brigade that will begin training the Fort Riley soldiers in March for their African deployment. "We focus on culture and the cultural impact ? how it impacts the African countries' military and their operations."

Thomas Dempsey, a professor with the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, said the biggest challenge will be the level of cultural, language and historical diversity across the far-flung continent.

"How do you train for that in a way that would be applicable wherever they go?" said Dempsey, a retired Army colonel. He said he's not sure using a combat brigade is the right answer, but added, "I'm not sure what the answer is. The security challenges differ so dramatically that, to be honest, I really don't think it's feasible to have a continental training package."

The Pentagon's effort in Africa, including the creation of U.S. Africa Command in 2007, has been carefully calibrated, largely due to broad misgivings across the continent that it could spawn American bases or create the perception of an undue U.S. military influence there. As a result, the command has been based in Stuttgart, Germany, rather than on the African continent.

At the same time, many African nations are eager for U.S. training or support, as they work to build their militaries, battle pirates along the coast and shut down drug trafficking, kidnapping and other insurgent activities.

McKenna acknowledged the challenge, but said the military has to tap its conventional fighting forces for this task because there aren't enough special operations forces to meet the global training needs. He said there will be as many as a dozen different training segments between February and September, each designed to provide tailored instruction for the particular teams.

The mission for the 2nd Brigade ? known as the "Dagger Brigade" ? will begin in the spring and will pave the way for Army brigades to be assigned next to U.S. Pacific Command and then to U.S. European Command over the next year. The brigade is receiving its regular combat training first, and then will move on to the more specific instruction needed for the deployments, such as language skills, cultural information and other data about the African nations.

Dagger Brigade commander Col. Jeff Broadwater said the language and culture training will be different than what most soldiers have had in recent years, since they have focused on Pashtun and Farsi, languages used mostly in Afghanistan and Iran. He said he expects the soldiers to learn French, Swahili, Arabic or other languages, as well as the local cultures.

"What's really exciting is we get to focus on a different part of the world and maintain our core combat skills," Broadwater said, adding that the soldiers know what to expect. "You see those threats (in Africa) in the news all the time."

The brigade will be carved up into different teams designed to meet the specific needs of each African nation. As the year goes on, the teams will travel from Fort Riley to those nations ? all while trying to avoid any appearance of a large U.S. military footprint.

"The challenge we have is to always understand the system in their country," said Rodriguez, who has been nominated to be the next head of Africa Command. "We're not there to show them our system, we're there to make their system work. Here is what their army looks like, and here is what we need to prepare them to do."

Rodriguez said the nearly 100 assignments so far requested by Ham will be carried out with "a very small footprint to get the high payoff."

Associated Press


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Sunday, December 23, 2012

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If you?re encountered with biology syllabus assessment in that case he/she really needs to fully grasp the exact objectives to make sure that he/she are able to comprehend the objective. There are 3 well-known objectives concerning learning the field of biology which generally are to have practical knowledge with understanding, ability to actually deal with important information and resolve issues in conjunction with learning experimental skillsets as well as inspections.

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Daily Kos: Investing for the Wayne [LaPierre] 'Pocalypse

A new day has dawned since Wayne "Double Down" LaPierre explained to an aghast nation that the only answer to the rampant gun violence in the US is... more guns. His dystopian vision calls for armed "good guys" in every school, pronto. Where the tax revenues, estimated at over $6 billion, would come from for this unfunded mandate is anyone's guess. He didn't mention the possibility of taxing gun and ammunition sales, but then again, it's really not his problem to figure this out.

Clearly, Wayne's a man on a mission, and to figure out his motives, you need only follow the money. The question is: what's next? Savvy investors can always find ways to capitalize on these trends if they get in early. Stock markets have historically been great indicators of future outcomes, but reading the fiscal tea-leaves is tricky business. Fortunately, your intrepid diarist has some come upon some hot tips for post-LaPierrian times. Since it's the Christmas season, it's only right to share these with you, fellow Kossacks.

As always, remember: your results may vary. Timing is everything. A fool and his money are soon parted. Void where prohibited by law. Offer expires at midnight yesterday.

With those caveats in mind, here are a few places to stash your year-end bonus:

Doc-in-the-box medical clinics: with hospital emergency rooms filling beyond capacity with gunshot wound victims. As the ads say, "nobody gets better in the waiting room". Do you really want to hang out with "those people" as you silently bleed out? Of course not. Imagine the franchising possibilities: gunshot wound clinics popping up in schools, supermarkets, theaters, and shopping malls, offering prompt care whether you walk in or have to be carted in on a stretcher.

Private security services: with police response times getting slower by the day, who wants to wait to call the police for a break-in, assault, home invasion, or carjacking? Subscriber services, like concierge medicine, give subscribers top priority. For just the cost of a double latte a day, families and individuals can rest assured knowing that their [heavily armed] security officer will be there in a flash, ready to gun down anyone left standing at the scene of the crime.

Bullet-proof clothing and accessories: bullet-proof backpacks are already flying off the shelves for the kids this Christmas, but we haven't begun to saturate the market with other must-have items. Bullet-proof handbags, briefcases, coats and jackets, vests, even Christmas sweaters will be next on the list. With advances in nanotechnology, the fashion-conscious won't have to sacrifice style for safety.

Automobile retrofitting: with bullets flying, there's every likelihood that windshields and car windows could shatter. Neighborhood auto-armoring shops can prepare your urban assault vehicle to withstand school-zone damage for a modest price that includes 24-hour window replacement services.

Crime-scene clean-up: getting that school, mall, theater, or place of worship ready to reopen will require some heavy-duty cleaning. These mobile crews handle the whole process on a turnkey basis, leaving property managers free to deal with other aspects of the carnage.

Advance planning funeral services: if the worst happens and a child becomes another sacrifice on Wayne LaPierre's altar victim of gun violence, parents will be glad they've planned ahead with pre-purchased casket and affordable burial or cremation plans. Options include perpetual care, with armed guards ensuring that young victims can truly rest in peace.

NRA spokespersons: with Mr. LaPierre eventually retreating to his heavily fortified underground bunker as the escalating ?outrage over his witless remarks results in violent protests, the organization will need some fresh blood communications personnel willing to step into the spotlight after future gun massacres. This niche opportunity will be a perfect fit for a nimble PR firm willing to sully their reputation by affiliation with Satan the NRA.

There are certainly other opportunities awaiting savvy investors willing to make a fast buck off the NRA-fueled miseries of a grieving nation. I'm sure that you wily Kossacks can add more to the list. In the meantime, best wishes for a safe and lucrative New Year. ;-)


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GLHFCasting ? Car Insurance Basics

Each year, more automobiles and drivers travel the highways. With countless vehicles on the road, accidents will happen. The difference between a small aggravation and major pain can be car insurance. But why do you need insurance and just how much should you buy? Car insurance protects you by covering the cost of damage caused to your vehicle or another person?s vehicle and injury to others, yourself, or your passengers, and certain other occurrences, such as theft. Every state and province requires auto insurance by law. Without insurance, you risk having to pay the full cost of any harm you cause others or of repairing or replacing your car if it is damaged or stolen.It pays for damages due to bodily injury and property damage to others for which you are responsible. Bodily injury damages include medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Property damage includes damaged property and loss of use of property. It also covers your defense and court costs if you are sued. Higher recommended insurances are available that cover more than the lower, state-mandated insurance. Personal injury protection: This is required in some states and is optional in others. Sometimes referred to as no-fault coverage, this pays the medical treatment for you or your passengers regardless of who was at fault. It may also pay for lost earnings, replacement of services and funeral expenses. The minimum amount of this insurance is usually set by the state. Medical payments: This type of coverage is available in non-no-fault states and will pay no matter who is responsible for the accident. It pays for an insured person?s reasonable and necessary medical and funeral expenses for bodily injury from an accident. Collision: Pays for damage to your car caused by a collision. Comprehensive: Applies if your car is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision, including fire, wind, hail, flood or vandalism. Uninsured motorist: Pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have liability insurance or by a person who cannot be identified (usually a hit-and-run driver). Under-insured motorist: Pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have enough liability insurance to cover the full amount of the damages. Other coverages, like car rental and emergency road service, are also available.What you pay for auto insurance varies by company and will depend on several factors, including: * What coverage you select * The make and model of the car you drive * Your driving record * Your age, gender and marital status and * Where you live Some have come to think of auto insurance as a necessary evil, but it can truly rescue your economic health Evaluate your needs, do your research and with the help of your insurance agent choose the option that best suits you. Auto Insurance Park Forest IL


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Obama says he is 'ready and willing' to get deal

President Barack Obama pauses as he speaks to reporters about the fiscal cliff in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 21, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

President Barack Obama pauses as he speaks to reporters about the fiscal cliff in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 21, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

President Barack Obama speaks to reporters about the fiscal cliff in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 21, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

President Barack Obama waves as he leaves the podium after speaking about the fiscal cliff in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 21, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama says he is "ready and willing" to get a big package done to deal with the "fiscal cliff" and says there's no reason not to protect middle-class Americans from tax increases.

Obama says he spoke Friday with House Speaker John Boehner and met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. He says Congress should pass a plan to extend tax breaks for the middle class and extend unemployment benefits.

Obama says no one can get 100 percent of what they want and there are "real consequences" to how they deal with the across-the-board tax increases and steep spending cuts scheduled to kick in Jan. 1. Economists fear the combination could deliver a blow to the U.S. economy.

Associated Press


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Stocks tumble as hopes for budget deal fade

3 hrs.

Stocks slumped nearly 1 percent on Friday, but closed off the worst levels of the session, after a Republican plan to avert the "fiscal cliff"?fell apart, raising fears a deal will not be reached before the end of the year.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 120.88 points, or 0.91 percent, led by losses in shares of Bank of America and Disney. At its worst levels, the Dow was down 189 points. American Express and McDonald's posted gains.

The S&P 500 dropped 13.54 points, or 0.94 percent, while the Nasdaq fell 29.38 points, or 0.96 percent. The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), widely considered the best gauge of fear in the market, climbed toward 18.

Among S&P sectors, energy and financials were the worst performers.

All the major averages still finished higher for the week. The S&P 500 gained 1.2 percent, the Dow rose 0.4 percent and the Nasdaq was up 1.7 percent.

House Speaker Boehner said in a press conference this morning that the failure to vote on "Plan B" to avert the automatic tax increases and spending cuts that go into effect at the end of the year was not the outcome he wanted.

"Unless the President and Congress take action," Boehner said, "tax rates will go up on every American taxpayer and devastating defense cuts will go into effect in 10 days." The Speaker did leave the door open to working with Democrats.?

With time running short to find a solution before Christmas, the White House said it would work with Congress to avoid the fiscal cliff. President Barack Obama said he was hopeful a deal can be reached quickly.

"The risk is very much to the downside here and certainly what we've seen over the last 24 hours is the political partisanship in Washington marches on," Katie Nixon, Northern Trust's wealth management CIO, told CNBC on Friday. "The optimism around any kind of a grand bargain has dissipated."

If politicians cannot forge a deal before the end of the year, there is a risk that the roughly $600 billion in spending cuts and tax increases could tip the U.S. economy back into recession.?

Barry Knapp, head of U.S. equity portfolio strategy at Barclays, said he thought the market was vulnerable to selling pressure even in a best case scenario. "Between now and when we finally get something done, we should be at 1,325 or 1,300 on the S&P," he told CNBC Friday.?

The fiscal cliff wrangling overshadowed some better-than-anticipated economic data. November personal income rose 0.6 percent while spending increased 0.4 percent. The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment survey for December came in at 72.9. Durable orders data for November, meanwhile, rose 0.7 percent.

Research In Motion shares tumbled 22 percent after reporting a drop in subscriber rolls for the first time in its history. It also worried investors during a conference call in saying it plans to alter its service revenue model. CEO Thorsten Heins told CNBC that worries about falling service revenue during the transition to BlackBerry 10 are unfounded.

Micron lost $0.27 per share in the fiscal first quarter, seven cents wider than analysts had anticipated. Revenue also came in below consensus, as the chipmaker suffered the effects of slowing personal computer sales and overall economic uncertainty.

Red Hat reported third-quarter profit of $0.29 per share, in line with estimates, with revenue exceeding estimates. The provider of Linux software saw strong growth in its subscription business.

Nike earned $1.14 per share for its second quarter, 14 cents above estimates, with revenue in line with estimates. Gross margin fell for the eighth straight quarter, but that streak could end soon based on the athletic footwear and apparel maker's current financial projections.

Drugstore chain Walgreen reported a fiscal first-quarter profit of $0.58 per share, excluding certain items, well below estimates of $0.70. Revenue also was slightly short of estimates. Walgreen said non-operational factors weighed on results, but the underlying business remains strong.

Finally, shares of Yum Brands fell on food safety concerns in China. In a statement, Chinese regulators said that Yum's KFC was supplied with chicken that contained excessive amounts of antibiotics. Yum said in a regulatory filing it was cooperating with the government and that the two suppliers in question represent an "extremely small percentage" of product to KFC.


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