Sunday, January 8, 2012

SpeedTao Manages and Speeds Up Downloads in Lion [Mac Downloads]

SpeedTao Manages and Speeds Up Downloads in LionOS X Lion: Large file downloads aren't easily manageable from any of the browsers on a Mac, but if you're looking for a little more control and a speed boost, SpeedTao does the trick.

The first time you run SpeedTao, you're asked to install extensions in all your browsers. This will trigger SpeedTao automatically when you download a file, but you can opt out and add only the larger the files if you like. To manually load files, all you need to do is drop a direct download link into SpeedTao and it will start going. From here, you can set speed limits, pause, and resume. It's also a bit more speedy than a browsers default downloader because it breaks the file into smaller chunks. Downloading the Ubuntu ISO took me about 13 minutes with SpeedTao and 18 minutes with Chrome. It's a free download from the SpeedTao website below.

SpeedTao | via Addictive Tips


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